Race On the Agenda recruiting for Community Research project
Race On The Agenda (ROTA) supported with funding from Propel, are recruiting 10 Peer Researchers to take part in the first ROTA Community Research Partnership, exploring the ways in which racial inequities affect the Black and other racialised communities of London. To be eligible to […]
SAFE webinars on safety awareness for places of worship
SAFE (Security Advice for Everyone) – a programme by Community Security Trust (CST) – have released a schedule of free safety awareness webinars from May until July, which are now open for registration. 8th May 6pm, Countering Radicalisation and Changing Mindsets (how are people’s minds […]
How social cohesion initiatives led by community and faith groups are contributing to strengthening London’s resilience to shocks
Protection Approaches has been commissioned by the Greater London Authority (GLA) to undertake new research into how social cohesion initiatives led by community and faith groups are contributing to straightening London’s resilience to shocks and stresses. London has faced recent challenging situations including the cost-of-living […]

APPG Faith New Deal and Love Southampton
On Monday 26th February, the All Party Parliamentary Group on Faith and Society held an event celebrating the Faith New Deal Pilot Fund, spotlighting Love Southampton at Portcullis House. Through the Faith New Deal Pilot Fund, Love Southampton supported local food aid and redistribution efforts and […]
Cyber Security and Social Care Charities
The Voluntary Organisation’s Disability Group (VODG) and National Care Forum (NCF) have been commissioned by the Better Security Better Care Programme and Digital Care Hub to research the ways in which social care charities and not-for-profit organisations are particularly susceptible to cyber attacks, and whether […]
GLA Voter ID Public Awareness Campaign – Phase 2 #NoVoteNoVoice
The Voter ID public awareness campaign is getting ready for the 2nd May 2024 Mayor of London and London Assembly elections. The Elections Act (2022) has brought unprecedented changes to the UK voting system, most notably the introduction of photo Voter ID. London already has […]
£25.5m VCSE Energy Efficiency Scheme is now open
The £25.5m VCSE Energy Efficiency Scheme scheme is now open to help voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations in England improve their energy efficiency. It is part of the package of over £100 million of support announced by the Government at the Spring Budget […]
Locality Launch Community Manifesto
Locality have recently launched a manifesto at their annual Convention in Bristol. It sets a ten-year vision that calls for a “community power revolution”, predicated on knowledge that local communities are best placed to transform lives and create a fairer society. It calls on the […]
Time to End the Silence: the experience of Muslims in the prison system
Maslaha have published Time to End the Silence: the experience of Muslims in the prison system. The report shows in stark detail how Muslims in prison face racism which obstructs them from practicing their religion and prevents them from accessing vital services such as mental […]
GLA Mapping of Services for Migrants, Refugees, and Newly Arrived Communities
Groundswork are continuing support the GLA to update the Mayor’s new Migrant Londoners Hub, a map of services for migrants, refugees and newly arrived communities. This is an online resource to support different groups of refugees and migrants in London to understand their rights and to […]