Creative English

Creative English is an innovative programme developed in partnership with Queen Mary University of London. It uses a unique, drama-based method to teach English to those with few or no language skills. FaithAction initially won funding from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to deliver Creative English through 55 ‘hubs’ across the country. The programme has helped over 10,000 people learn English through interactive soap-opera style scenarios run by trained volunteers from local communities.
Creative English was one of five programmes shortlisted for the British Council ELTons Awards 2015 for Excellence in Course Innovation. In 2016, our Family Learning programme was one of five to be shortlisted for Local innovation.
We now offer the Creative English license, which gives organisations the opportunity to deliver the Creative English course themselves, supported by resources, guidance and training from FaithAction, in exchange for a competitive annual fee.
Learn more about Creative English