Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse is part of our society and one of the most unattractive parts. It’s not necessarily the easiest conversation topic, or something that we would like to read about – however, it is a part of society that faith communities and particularly faith leaders can do something about.

At FaithAction, we believe that faith is often the first place people turn to when in need. This could be because they are new to the area, have existing relationships or they simply cannot get an appointment with their local public service. Therefore, the role for faith leaders in addressing domestic abuse is often invaluable. This publication of recommendations is to help in those instances.

This publication has been written with input from a number of individuals from different faith communities with different perspectives on how to deal with domestic abuse. You can find the videos of the interviews we held with faith leaders, faith-based organisations and practitioners below. The consensus was clear: faith leaders could and should do something to address domestic abuse in their communities.


Faith and Domestic Abuse: Recommendations for Faith Leaders

Kathy Coe; CEO, Pathway Project

Pastor Godfried; Goodmayes Baptist Church

Abdullah Hassan; Imam, East London Mosque

John Singleton; Senior Pastor, LifeLine Church

Rabbi Sybil Shepherd; East London Synagogue

Nigel J. Brookhouse; Project Director, Narthex Centre

Dr. Joanne Grenfell; Archdeacon of Portsmouth

Kushnood Ahmed; Social Architect