NHS England Volunteering for Health – Funding & Support

NHS England have announced a £10 million programme that will provide grant funding and tailored support to around 15 local systems to develop volunteering infrastructure within healthcare.

Volunteering for Health will help deliver the recommendations of the NHS Volunteering Taskforce published in June this year. It is being delivered through a partnership of NHS England, NHS Charities Together and CW+, the charity of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

The programme will enable local partnerships to test solutions that can act as catalysts for change in their systems. They will help demonstrate the amazing impact volunteers and volunteering can have on NHS resilience and improved patient and staff experience when genuinely integrated into health care planning and delivery.

NHS England are looking for new ways of working that identify and help break down barriers to volunteering. They particularly – but not exclusively – want to encourage applications from systems that might not have worked in this way before. NHS England will be inviting applications next month and will be encouraging new and existing partnerships to come forward.

The programme partners bring extensive grant giving experience and will be offering advice and coaching to help applicants develop quality proposals.

Take a look at a blog by Dr Neil Churchill OBE that sets out in more detail what they are trying to achieve through Volunteering for Health. Meanwhile, you can also register your interest by emailing: [email protected]