Social Care Institute for Excellence Webinar: Voluntary sector partnerships: the vital cornerstone of integrated care systems

The Social Care Institute for Excellence is hosting a webinar on Tuesday 30th November 12:00pm – 1.25pm. This webinar will explore the importance of the voluntary, community and social enterprise VCSE sector contribution in shaping, improving and delivering services, and developing and implementing plans to tackle the wider determinants of health. It will look at how to effectively include this diverse and creative sector in emergent ICB structures and models.

The webinar shares learning from systems, and asks:

  • How Integrated Care Boards ICBs can engage and embed the VCSE sector in system level governance and decision making arrangements.
  • How to build on the involvement of VCSE partners in forums at place and neighbourhood level.
  • And also examines how to ensure the VCSE sector can be supported to remain resilient and effective as part of a wider system

Chair: Neil Tester, Director at the Richmond Group of Charities


  • Frances Newell, Head of Partnership Development, Leadership and Partnerships team, NHS England and NHS Improvement
  • Maddy Desforges, CEO, NAVCA
  • Susannah Howard, Programme Director, Suffolk and North East Essex ICS
  • Sally Chandler, Chief Executive, Carers Trust Hillingdon
  • Stewart Lucas, System Lead for VCSE Integration (Mental Health), Manchester Mind

You can register here for the webinar.