Archbishops’ Commission on Reimagining Care: Listening and Engagement Exercise
The Commission on Reimagining Care has been charged by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to develop a radical and inspiring long-term vision for care and support in England. This will be underpinned by a renewed set of values and principles, drawing on Christian theology and ethics. The Commission began work in June 2021 and is due to publish a final report in September 2022.
The Commission has published a draft set of values which it believes should underpin any future vision of care and support in England. The values include concepts that are not usually heard in policy discussion about care such as flourishing, loving kindness, empathy, trust and justice.
The Commission would like to gather feedback from individuals, and organisations in the voluntary sector about their experiences of care and support and how they would like this to be different in the future. The focus of the Commission is on adults with a disability and those with care and support needs in later life.
The Commission has put together an online survey which takes no more than 30 minutes to complete.
The closing date for submissions is 10th December 2021 and the survey can be accessed here.