How charities’ work improves health

A new report, Voluntary Sector Action on the Social Determinants of Health, is designed to help charities that do not have a health focus understand the evidence about how their social action improves people’s health. The report, produced by the Institute for Health Equity, developed in collaboration with New Philanthropy Capital and commissioned by the Health Foundation, provides a wide range of evidence demonstrating the impact of social determinants on health. It identifies clear levers that can be utilised by the voluntary sector to highlight the need for action, to approach potential new partners, and to work collaboratively across sectors.

One of the report’s key messages is:

Strong friendship networks and participation in community, political, religious and social groups have a positive impact on physical and mental health.

It adds,

Research has found that a sense of community can boost immune systems, lower blood pressure and guard against cognitive decline, while joining a community group can reduce the risk of dying.

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