
“You just do it online” – The challenge of digital exclusion and COVID-19
COVID-19 has placed a spotlight on the huge level of digital inequality that exists in the UK. As school work, social events, religious services, information sharing, work meetings, application processes for reporting problems and applying for support move necessarily online, significant sections of society remain […]

The Power of Relationships in Tackling Loneliness
Imagine the ice-breaker scenario: if you had to leave your house immediately, and could only take one thing with you, what would it be? Emergency situations, whether real or imagined, have a way of bringing things into sharp focus. And the coronavirus pandemic has likewise […]

Faith Groups: Supporting your Members’ Mental Health
The coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on mental health, as we all grapple with the challenges of increased isolation and uncertainty. However, here at FaithAction, we feel that faith groups can play a significant role at this time in supporting those struggling with […]

Staying connected, building community
I have been a Creative English Trainer at FaithAction for a year now, but it’s fair to say my job has changed quite significantly in the past month or so! Up until then, the highlights of my week usually looked something like this: on Mondays, […]

Making a Difference in Uncertain Times
There is a certain pride I feel when I see the way that those who work in the voluntary sector and in faith organisations respond to a crisis like that which we are facing. It is not a wrong, boastful pride but a ‘settled rightness’ […]

We’re all in this together
It is hard to comprehend what is going on in the world right now. Like most people throughout the UK, the team here at FaithAction are all now working from home. It could be so easy to fall into a negative mindset at a time […]

We have difficult days ahead, let’s choose to share laughter and kindness
We are living in difficult times. Recent storms have caused misery with damage to businesses and homes, there are ever increasing occurrences of Coronavirus which has had a knock-on effect with increased levels of fear, isolation, racist attacks and stockpiling. Sadly, negative news stories always […]

We’re in extraordinary days: what’s my part to play?
As we face the current crisis around COVID-19 (or Coronavirus) more and more guidance is starting to appear, particularly advice to organisations and communities. Yet beyond the questions on gatherings and hand washing, there is always that internal preparation that we each individually need to […]

Saving the Economy £132 Billion: An Invisible Workforce
A few months ago, I was speaking to a lovely group of ladies in Wolverhampton who attend a carer support group. They all had different caring experiences, but the most striking thing about the group was that they didn’t consider themselves as ‘carers’ – they […]

Integration Involves All of Us
Standing at a bus stop recently, the lights in the studio flats in the block opposite were on. As a result, I could see inside a number of the tiny apartments. In each there was a lone individual and every single one was sat alone, […]