Author Archives: Jenny Hadgraft

Tackling food insecurity in Inter Faith Week
This week is Inter Faith Week! Inter Faith Week is a time each year to strengthen inter faith relations at all levels, celebrate the contribution that faith groups make to their neighbourhoods and to wider society, and to increase understanding between people of religious and […]

Reflecting on#FaithinPartnership Week
As we start the New Year, we are taking time to reflect upon some of our work in 2022. September was a particularly exciting month for the FaithAction team, as we launched #FaithinPartnership Week – a new initiative bringing together faith leaders, community representatives and […]

Cost of Living: Faith on the frontline
As we recover from the difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic and attempt to address the stark inequalities that the pandemic highlighted, another crisis has emerged – the rise in the cost of living – and it is already impacting upon the most vulnerable people. Energy […]

The power of inter-faith partnership in Tower Hamlets
FaithAction have worked with Coventry University and Tower Hamlets Inter Faith Forum (THIFF) for the past three years. We were pleased to recently commence another year working as secretariat to THIFF and wanted to highlight to our members the important work being done through this […]

The dangers of obesity and COVID-19
Last week, a Public Health England (PHE) report confirmed that being excessively overweight or obese increases the risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19. Almost two-thirds of adults in England are overweight or obese, with older people, people living in deprived areas, and certain […]

What Does My Faith Group Currently Advise?
The coronavirus pandemic is something which has affected all areas of society and individual life. FaithAction have a page dedicated to providing you with the most up to date advice about the pandemic, alongside specific advice for your faith group. You can visit this page […]

Saving the Economy £132 Billion: An Invisible Workforce
A few months ago, I was speaking to a lovely group of ladies in Wolverhampton who attend a carer support group. They all had different caring experiences, but the most striking thing about the group was that they didn’t consider themselves as ‘carers’ – they […]