Author Archives: Rodie Garland

Rodie’s parting words: What I’ve learned about faith in action
This is my last blog for FaithAction – the time has come for me to move on. So it seems a good moment to reflect on what I’ve learned over the past five-and-a-bit years. Here’s what will stay with me the most. Faith-based organisations are […]

Interview with The Elder: Faith Communities and Dementia
FaithAction’s Rodie Garland has been interviewed for The Elder Magazine on the subject of faith and dementia. The content of this interview has been reproduced in full below with the permission of Elder. The original article can be found here: How can faith and […]
Mental health needs communities
As Mental Health Awareness Week gets underway, Rodie considers how faith communities can respond. For more information on faith and mental health, see our Friendly Places pages. After much talk about ‘parity of esteem’ for mental and physical health, mental health is finally becoming an […]

Faith groups meet minister for tackling loneliness
FaithAction and representatives of Christians Together Against Loneliness met this week with Mims Davies, the government minister with responsibility for tackling loneliness. The coalition of charities is working to highlight to government the vital work that churches and faith groups have been doing for many […]

What if we could combine two superpowers?
I have a friend who’s a pharmacist. She’s passionate about ensuring people take their medicines correctly, so that they get the full benefit from them and stay as healthy as possible. But she knows that this often doesn’t happen: for example, a mere 7% of […]

Social prescribing – what’s it all about? And how do we get involved?
Ahead of National Social Prescribing Day on 14 March, Rodie looks at what social prescribing is and what it means for faith groups. Special thanks to Dr Henry Akintunde for the practical suggestions in this post, which he shared at the recent Linking Lives UK […]

Thanks for completing our loneliness survey – here is what we found!
Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone who has taken the time to complete our loneliness survey. We’ve had a great response, and you’re confirming what we suspected – that faith groups are doing a huge amount to work to reach out to people who […]
Do you work in palliative or end of life care?
Our partners in the Health and Wellbeing Alliance, the End of Life Care Consortium, have produced resources aimed at tackling inequalities in palliative and end of life care for people experiencing homelessness, Gypsies and Travellers, and LGB&T people. You can view a pre-recorded webinar (online […]
The NHS of the future – the vital role of communities
You might have noticed that yesterday the NHS released its Long Term Plan, which sets out its ambitions for the next 10 years. It has been put together with the help of contributions from many organisations, including FaithAction and our members. And it’s not all […]

What is faith’s response to loneliness?
You’ve probably heard the statistic. Social isolation is as bad for us as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. It has more of an impact on life expectancy than obesity. And many of us can probably identify with the complaint that we spend too much time […]