Share your thoughts on the NHS App

What do you think about the NHS App?

The Patients Association Chairs the Patient Coalition for AI, Data and Digital Tech in Health (known as the Digital Coalition).

The aim of the Coalition is to bring the patient voice to the development and introduction of digital health technologies. They want to understand your experience of using the NHS App to ensure you have the support you need to gain access to healthcare through it. They also want to encourage policy makers to consider your views in the implementation of the app.

They want to hear your views on the NHS App if:

  • You are a user of the NHS App
  • You have never used the NHS App
  • You support friends, family or other members of your community to use the NHS App.

They also want to hear from people who rarely use digital devices and apps. Do you have friends, family and community members who need help to use the app, or who don’t use it at all? What is stopping them and how could they be supported? You’ll find an additional section in the survey for you to answer on their behalf if you wish to do so.

If you or someone you know will find it difficult to answer this survey online, please call the Patients Association helpline on 0800 345 7115 and one of the advisers will run through the questions with you over the phone.

The survey will close on 7th October. You can find more information and a link to the survey here.