NHS England Event: The Big Conversation
NHS England are holding ‘The Big Conversation’, an event taking place virtually on Wednesday 11th May and Thursday 12th May.
The Big Conversation is an entirely free, virtual (online) two-day initiative, convened by the NHS Horizons team in collaboration with Aqua (the Advancing Quality Alliance), the Q Community of the Health Foundation and lived experience partners within NHS England & NHS Improvement.
The event will bring people together for a range of interactive discussions, workshops and presentations, giving a space for people to talk through the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, explore continuous improvement opportunities and share fresh insights and ideas on how to promote the improvement of health and care for the benefit of everyone, those who experience services and those who provide them.
It is the first initiative of its type in England, bringing staff from the point of care together with improvement leaders, citizens and others. The two days are designed so that people can join as much or as little as they would like.
You can find out more about the event here.