Opportunity with The Guardian’s Weekend Magazine

The Guardian’s Weekend Magazine have been capturing photographs of celebrations and religious rituals, across faiths, during lockdown for a thoughtful and beautifully put together collection of images to run in print and online. As lockdown slowly eases, they are looking to capture their final few images over the next fortnight.

They are looking to capture events taking place this week or next, including small weddings , blessing or rituals, events to mark what should have been wedding dates, other celebratory rites of passage and also funerals – recording these moments across communities in the time of coronavirus.

They would be asking to send only a photographer, observing current distancing measures and limits on attendance, photographing from 2m. Of course, they would not wish to intrude or, in the case of funerals, photograph the deceased but the ritual and commemoration involving the small number of people around them.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please get in touch with Deborah Linton at [email protected].