FaithAction and Local Government Association: New Report on Faith and Health

FaithAction is delighted to jointly present the Local Government Association (LGA)’s new report, Working with faith groups to promote health and wellbeing. The report begins on the basis that:

“At this time of severely constrained finance for local government and the NHS it is essential that we do all we can to harness the skills and assets in our local communities to improve health and wellbeing.

“Faith groups make an important contribution to this work through their commitment to service, both with their own members and with wider communities. In particular, faith groups are often able to utilise the enthusiasm of their members as volunteers. Also, some faith groups have members who face health inequalities through a higher risk of some diseases or through difficulties in accessing healthcare. These groups are, therefore, well placed to have an active role in tackling health problems in the communities they serve.”

We were pleased to have the opportunity to advise the LGA on this report and to put the authors in touch with several of our members whose hard work demonstrates the best that the faith sector can do.

The report also showcases how the Faith Covenant can work in practice.

Read the report on the LGA site