Building Back Better Conference: Faith During the Crisis

Thursday, 26th November 2020
12:20pm - 2:00pm
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We’ll be commencing this session with an interview with Lord Stephen Greenhalgh, Minister for Faith, to hear his perspective on the role of faith during the COVID-19 crisis response.

From the very beginning of the outbreak through to the present, faith communities have been at the heart of the response to COVID-19 in the UK.

FaithAction know this well: they have heard stories from individuals on the ground through their Faith-Covid Response Project and membership base, from faith leaders through the Government’s Places of Worship Taskforce, from politicians through the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Faith and Society, from local councils through coordinating the Faith Covenant, and from many others through various roundtables and regular briefing sessions.

This faith-based response ought to be celebrated and recognised across British society – from the grassroots to the media to policymakers. For that reason, we’re convening this event to hear from the Minister for Faith, Lord Greenhalgh, and a host of other influential and insightful speakers from different sectors to shine a spotlight on how faith communities have contributed during the pandemic from their perspective.

Join us for:

  • A view from Government – with Lord Stephen Greenhalgh, Minister for Faith
  • A view from Parliament – with Rt Hon Steven Timms MP and Steve Double MP
  • A view from local councils and regional leaders – with Chris Baker, the Faith and Civil Society Unit at Goldsmiths, University of London, and David Sollis, FaithAction (facilitated by Marcus Jones, Premier Christian Radio)
  • A view from faith leaders – with members of the Places of Worship Taskforce

Additionally, in order to continue gathering and celebrating the stories of the faith-based response to COVID-19 there will be a virtual reception following this event, where attendees will have the opportunity to feed back their own experiences and share about the response of faith communities from their own perspectives.

*This event features as part one of FaithAction’s three-part conference – Building Back Better: The Role of Faith. See here for details of the rest of the day’s events.