Share your story with local Healthwatch

We have all accessed health or social care services at some point in our lives. Some of us have received good care, and others, not so good. What do you do when you receive an excellent service? What do you do when you receive care that needs improving?

We are all different in the way we communicate how we feel and how we express ourselves. While some of us may complain to our friends or the receptionist, others complain through official channels, and some of us don’t do anything at all.

What you choose to do in these situations is totally up to you, but if you haven’t already, then at some stage in your life, you, or a loved one, may need to use the NHS or a social care service and—let’s be honest—if this happens, you want services to be of good quality!

Why not become part of something, that won’t cost you anything, but will help towards improving local services now and for the future?

Healthwatches have been set up to champion the voices of local people and listen to your views and experiences of health and care services. Covering both children and adult services, Healthwatches use evidence from local people to challenge service providers and commissioners (those who pay for services) to ensure these issues are considered when planning or re-designing services. Recommendations for improvement and good practice are also shared so good practice can be implemented in other service areas or departments.

Next time you use a service, share your story with your local Healthwatch! I work for Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham; however, every borough across England commissions a local Healthwatch. You can find the closest one to you here:

There are also volunteering opportunities to get involved in and the option of being trained as an Enter and View Representative.

Get involved and help us shake things up a bit!

About Manisha Modhvadia

Manager, Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham

Manisha is manager for one of FaithAction’s local projects, Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham. She also plays a part in wider FaithAction work by running focus groups and facilitating events.

She has a major interest in health, having studied Health Services Management at university and completed a Master’s degree in Health Promotion, and has previously worked with various charities involved in health and care.