The New Social Value Framework: Taking the Social Value Act One Step Further

Wednesday, 9th December 2020
2:00pm - 3:15pm
Book / More Info

How will your organisation adapt to the new social value framework? What does this new approach mean for you?

The Social Value Act requires consideration of how procurement can help improve social, economic and environmental wellbeing. The government is introducing a new framework to take greater account of the additional social value suppliers or providers bring to delivery of services.

The new framework, set out in this procurement policy note, will aim to ensure social value is used to achieve a series of overarching outcomes, spanning the following themes:
  • Covid-19 recovery
  • Tackling economic inequality
  • Fighting climate change
  • Equal opportunity
  • Wellbeing
This event will help your organisation to prepare for the implementation of this framework, which will apply to central government procurement exercises from 1 January 2021.

Key civil servants will explain this new framework and be available to answer questions.

Before this event, further guidance will be published by government containing indicators for government organisations to use when assessing social value.


  • Claire Dove, VCSE crown representative
  • Samantha Butler, head of social value skills development, Cabinet Office

Who should attend?

This event is aimed at voluntary organisations that are funded by:
  • central government departments
  • executive agencies of central government departments
  • non-departmental public bodies.
The new social value framework does not apply to local government procurement.


This event is free for NCVO members and non-members.

How to book

This event will take place on Zoom. NCVO will send out the Zoom link and the joining instructions in advance via email.
Please register by clicking here.
If you have any questions please contact the NCVO events team at [email protected].