Our Mosques Our Future conference

Saturday, 6th October 2018
10:00am - 6:00pm
British Muslim Heritage Centre
100-106 College Road

M16 8BP
Muslim Council of Britain
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Muslim Council of Britain will be hosting the second Our Mosques Our Future conference on 6 October 2018, this time with the theme People Not Buildings.

Keynote speakers:

  • Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad (Tim Winters), who is leading the new Cambridge Mosque project, Europe’s first “eco-Mosque”
  • Afzal Khan, MP for Gorton and Trustee of the British Muslim Heritage Centre

There will also be interactive workshops and TED-style talks from:

  • Dr Musharraf Hussain, Chief Imam of Karimia Institute in Nottingham on engaging with youth.
  • Naeed Mohammed, Headmaster at Newcastle Central Mosque Madrassah, speaking about thriving madrassahs
  • Rose Townsend, of Leeds New Muslims speaking about convert care (and non-care!)
  • Miqdaad Versi & Amanda Morris from MCB on dealing with media interviews

A full list of speakers, workshops and a schedule is online at: www.ourmosquesourfuture.org.uk

Tickets can  be booked online at www.ourmosquesourfuture.org.uk/#tickets.