London Social Prescribing Webinar

Monday, 21st October 2019
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Book / More Info

NHS England and Healthy London Partnership are hosting a services of webinars this autumn to support the spread of Social Prescribing across London, to ask questions about implementation and to share what local areas are doing.

The webinars will cover:

    • A brief overview of:
      • The NHSE Personalised Care policy context, Long Term Plan commitments, Primary Care Networks and MDT workforce;
      • London aspirations and Mayoral commitments;
      • Developing Local Shared Plans for Social Prescribing;
    • What good Social Prescribing looks like and what Social Prescribing isn’t;
    • Practicalities of the Link Worker role; including recruitment, induction, supervision, referral process, peer support, training;
    • Sharing best practice from around London;
    • Support offer available from London regional facilitators, NHSE resources and online collaboration platform;
    • Q&A session [questions to be sent in advance with opportunity to use the chat function on the day].

To register and receive a diary invite to the webinar on your preferred date(s), please reply to [email protected] with your:

  • Name,
  • Role,
  • Organisation,
  • Preferred date,
  • Questions to ask.

For more information, please visit