FaithAction Workshop: How Can Faith Support Pregnancy?

Wednesday, 8th December 2021
6:00pm - 7:30pm
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With Wendy Olayiwola, National Maternity Lead for Equality, NHS England and NHS Improvement, and Daniel Singleton (Chair), National Executive Director, FaithAction

There are persistent inequalities in maternal outcomes for women black and minority ethnic communities. For example, whilst maternal deaths are extremely rare in this country, pregnant women from certain ethnic backgrounds remain at higher risk than others. There are practical things communities can do to help change this.

The Covid-19 pandemic has magnified many of the health inequalities still prevalent in our society. It has also shown the value of partnership working between health and care agencies and faith and community groups. NHS England and NHS Improvement are keen to build on these successes.

This event forms part of a new pilot project to test approaches in reducing inequalities within the East London maternity footprint. You will have a chance to be a part of this pioneering approach which, if successful, will be rolled out to other parts of the UK.

  • Hear directly from Wendy Olayiwola, National Maternity Lead for Equality at NHS England and NHS Improvement, who will give a national overview of the latest data on inequalities in pregnancy;
  • Gain an understanding of the nature of inequalities facing women and babies from black and minority ethnic communities, and the value of community-based approaches to improve outcomes;
  • Ask questions and offer insight on what might work to help those in your community;
  • Meet with other local faith leaders to share learning and ideas

This event is for all faith or community leaders with an interest in community approaches to reducing inequalities, as well as anybody supporting individuals served by hospitals within the Barts Health NHS trust. However, all are welcome to join!