Faith Covenant Forum

Wednesday, 23rd February 2022
1:00pm - 2:30pm

These events are designed to bring together regional representatives of the 24 Faith Covenant areas, as well as prospective Covenant areas, to discuss emerging issues, share best practice and network. Previous Forums have spotlighted some of the innovative approaches to cross-sector partnership happening country wide.

At this coming Forum we will take time to:

  • hear about the upcoming publication of the follow-up to the APPG for Faith and Society’s “Keeping the Faith” report published in 2020, from report author Prof Chris Baker and discuss some of the emerging themes from this brand-new research.
  • launch the Faith Covenant Starter toolkit, a new resource to help those interested in developing a covenant for their area think through how to implement this.
  • consider how Faith Covenants established in local authority areas can be expanded across Combined Authority areas.

To register to attend, please email [email protected].