Coventry City Virtual Christmas Celebration

Saturday, 19th December 2020
7:00pm - 8:00pm

The Deputy Chair for Diverse Communities in Coventry City is reaching out to members from diverse backgrounds who wish to increase their social presence by integration and inclusion for community cohesion.

As an association, they strive to celebrate diversity. They have successfully organised many events with the core aim of celebrating diversity, inclusion, and equality.

The festival of Christmas is almost amongst us and you are formally invited to join a Pre-Christmas virtual zoom meeting.

The British nation is facing its darkest hours since World War II; bringing ommunities together virtually would be a great opportunity to raise the festivity spirts and spread Christmas cheer.

The Pre-Christmas virtual event will take place on Saturday 19 December 2020, 7-8pm.

There will be a number of prerequisites as with all attendees:

  1. Dress Code: Christmas Jumpers
  2. A small candle must be available to light, representing Jesus Christ as light of the world. This could be decorated by adding an orange and sweets to represent a Chris-tingle. 
  3. A sweet delicacy to be eaten as small token to celebrate Christmas. 

If you are unable to attend, please record a short video message with a brief Christmas message of Merry/Happy Christmas from… etc.

Please confirm your attendance or your video message no later than Thursday 10th December 2020, to allow for preparation for the virtual Christmas celebration.

For more information or to send a video message, contact Asha Masih via email.